Oppenheimer J.R and Oppenheimer E.C. Preliminary Observations of Cebus nigrivittatus (Primates: Cebidae) on the Venezuela Llanos. Department of Pathobiology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
In comparison to the Old world monkeys and apes, little has been known until recently about the behavior and ecology of the new world primates. Field studies have been done on a number of the new world genera, particularly on Alouatta, the howler monkey, in the genus cebus, some information has been published on C.apella and C.albifrons (HILL, 1960), but nothing is known about the behavior of C.nigrivittatus. A detailed study on the fourth species in this group, C. capucinus, has been undertaken (OPPENHEIMER, 1967a,b, 1968,1969,a,b, in press; Oppenheimer and Lanc,1969), but much still remains to be analyzed and written. In conjunction with the above study, attempts were made to gain information on the other three species. This paper reports the results of a brief study of C.nigrivittatus on the Llanos in Venezuela.